
I'm Still Here! Promise!

So, it has been a little while, but here I am. I have been wanting to post for a little bit now, but I have just been kind of busy, and by the time I think about it, I am just very tired. But here I am.

So, here is a general update on everything. First, you know that top 25 I posted a couple months ago? Well, I have been thinking about it, and some of those movies don't belong on that list, and there are others I need to add to it. I may post a revised version sometime soon, but I am not sure.

Currently I am rewatching BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER and am nearly finished. I have just a little over one season left. In my second viewing of the entire series, I have gotten the idea that I want to do a few posts telling, from different perspectives, why I like that show so much, and why it is definitely worth checking out. I will probably try to post some video clips as well to help illustrate. That will be increasingly easy because of hulu, but somewhat difficult because they only have seasons 1 and 2 posted. So, we will see. I am going to embark on that once I finish the series though. So, it will be about a week.

In other news, Follies is getting closer and closer, and I am very excited for it. There are some very awesome sketches in there, if I do say so myself. Though I am somewhat biased.

I just made my DVD collection even larger. Maybe I will make a running tally of everything I have in that collection on here. Not sure.

Also, that reading list I was so excited about is just kind of sitting dormant. I mean I finished TWILIGHT but that's about it. School makes me feel busy, and I cannot focus on reading the things that I want. It sucks. Ass.

Also, I am very excited that people are finally coming around to watching DR. HORRIBLE, and that really makes me happy. Trust me, if you have not seen it yet, you are doing yourself a disservice. It's all for free on hulu, so why not check it out? You will laugh, cry, and not feel like you wasted 40ish minutes of your life. I promise.

So, yeah. There is that. I am gonna check out for now, but I will be back soon. Maybe tomorrow, but no promises. I don't want to break it if things do not run as smoothly as I would like. So, we will see.

Until next time.

So say we all. (Trying out some new sign offs. Let's see what sticks.)