
The BKteN

So, in an effort to keep myself posting consistently, I've decided that I want to do a weekly list of 10 things that are currently rocking my world. This is in an effort to get all you awesome people following me a chance to become just as awesome as I am by following my advice blindly. And so that your following is not blind, I'll be giving a brief reasoning on why it's on the list. The only rule I am giving myself is that I can't have used it in a previous BKteN list. That means the first few weeks will have literally anything I have loved in my life up for use, and as time progresses, the amount of usable material will diminish. You get the idea? Good.

So, blindly follow me into awesomeness...

1. Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog: I'm not going to write much on this here. I did a post back in June about why this kicks ass, and also I am getting it on DVD soon, so a movie night will be coming up in April. and what the hell do you have to lose by watching it? It is seriously only 40 minutes.

2. The Immortal Iron Fist: The Last Iron Fist Story: I just read this yesterday afternoon, and let me just tell you, it was 100% worth the time. Its a 6 issue comic story that started the current Iron Fist series. It has the same writer/artist duo as DAREDEVIL (Ed Brubaker and David Aja) plus Matt Fraction. This is totally a series I want to get caught up on quick. This is not the first story about the character, but it is definitely accessable to just pick up and start. It's some good stuff.

3. Dollhouse: Honestly, you need to do yourself a favor and jump on this right now, so that when everyone is trying to get caught up on this show in like 2 years because they hear such good things about it, you can totally be like, "Shit, DOLLHOUSE? I've been watching that (relatively) since it started." If nothing else, go watch the most recent 2 episodes on hulu. They kick started the overall story in a big way, and you really don't need the previous 5 to get the concept. But thost other 5 are great, in my opinion. Plus it is Joss Whedon, and everyhting he does is gold.

4. Batman: The Dark Knight Returns: This would be the first comic book story I ever read. Well, the first one I read when I decided I wanted to be a fan. I picked this up after BATMAN BEGINS came out and rocked my world. Frank Miller was at the top of his game in this, and the pacing here is some of the best I've seen. It seriously makes me want to start writing a draft of the script to see if I can't get it made because I think I could pull it off. Seriously, it got me started liking comics, so it's sort of like a gateway drug...but to a relatively healthy (though potentially expensive) addiction.

5. Half-Life 2: This is seriously one of my favorite video games ever. I find myself constantly coming back to play it every few months. I love the setting and the art design. It just all kicks ass. Plus, Gordon Freeman is just some scientist, nerd guy who kicks ass and takes names.

6. The AV Club: This is a totally sweet blog that I have Chase Misenheimer to thank for turning me to. It is run by the same guys who do THE ONION, except it isn't for jokes, and it is all about the entertainment industry. Sure I will disagree with their takes on things from time to time, but I am always looking at the TV CLUB blog on there after all my shows end to see what they have to say. Check it out: avclub.com

7. Jim Gaffigan: He is one of my favorite comedians right now. You should check him out. He talks about food alot, and his signature thing is his Hot Pocket routine. If you do look him up, check out his routine about holiday traditions. Pure brilliance.

8. This Onion Article: I was seriously in tears by the end of the first couple sentenences. It is one of the most clever things I have read over there. Be prepared to be in pain from laughter, and having a little free time because of all the laughing.

9. Amp Energy Drink: This stuff is llike writing fuel for me. When I have an afternoon where all I want to do is write, I will turn on some tunes, down an Amp, and go to town. I don't know much about the energy side cause those drinks never really have that effect on me, but they do get me crazy creative.

10. The Dark Knight: I'm gonna go ahead and throw this one into my first list. It is my all time favorite movie right now. I seriously can't find anything about it I don't like. If you want more of my thoughts aobut it, go back to my posts from last June to see more.

So, there you have it. This will hopefully become a regular thing for me, so I can have something to post every week. Hope y'all are having a good time out there. And comment on whether you think my choices are brilliant, or more closely resemble those of a drunken squirrel.

Here endeth the lesson.