
I've Got Issues Episode 2 (Special Double Sized Episode!)

So, two weeks ago I sat down to do this, and Orientation was happening, and I just got preoccupied, and it didn't happen. Then we got into a third week, and I was still busy with stuff, so now, I bring you the second installment of my top 3 comics of the week. This time with the top 3 of the past 2 weeks. So, let's start it up!

Week of 6/24/09

1. UNCANNY X-MEN/DARK AVENGERS: UTOPIA ONE SHOT - So, up until now the X-Men have been relatively absent from the DARK REIGN event going on over at Marvel. The only real exception to this would be Emma Frost's membership in Norman Osbourne's Cabal. If this is sounding confusing to you, then I would recommend heading over to Wikipedia and search for "Dark Reign". Go to the comics page, and read away. I am very excited to see where this story goes. Also, the art work in there is pretty good. I like it at least. Also, since this is part 1 of the crossover, it does not require the daunting task of going through loads of backstory to start it up, cause that's just how Marvel rolls. Now, if you WANT to go back and find out more, I would recommend it, if only for the sheer enjoyment of seeing where many of these characters come from. If nothing else, look it up on Wikipedia.

2. X-FORCE #16 (MESSIAH WAR FINALE) - The end of the 7 part Messiah War (which is apparently the second part of a trilogy which will shape the X-Men universe) brings closure to the fight to save Hope. Or at least closure to this fight. The Messiah War has been an interesting crossover between Cable and X-Force (the black ops team of the X-Men that Scott Summers, aka Cyclops, put together to do the dirty work the other X-Men can't be seen doing). This one would be hard to get into specifics because it is the end of the story, and won't make sense unless you've been following. But I would highly recommend picking up the trade when it does come out to see how this all went down. On another note, this crossover started on the first day I went to Great Escape to make my very first comic pull, and start my weekly tradition.

3. SECRET WARRIORS #5 - This series is easily in my top 3 ongoing titles right now. This series was started at the beginning of the Dark Reign, and was really just a sweet way to bring in 5 brand new characters. I love everything about this series, from the art, to the writing, to what it brings to the Marvel Universe as a whole. This issue only really showed Nick Fury, and was really (like #4 last month) more set up for a kick ass finale to the first story arc. But the last page, as this series so often does for me, made me get way excited. Simply put, I am having a hard time waiting for next month to see what happens next. In terms of sheer anticipation, this series is like the LOST of comics for me. So, that should put it into perspective.

Week of 7/1/09

1. CAPTAIN AMERICA REBORN #1 - So, they are bringing back Steve Rogers, eh? I wouldn't really trust anyone to do this, apart from the man who "killed" him. And, in all honesty, the way they are setting this up has me excited. I won't say much because I really think it is worth your 4 bucks to go out and read this one, but this story is introducing an element that is very dear to my heart, thanks largely to LOST. I am excited to see where Brubaker takes this in the future, and he is one of the best writers out there now, so what's in store will totally be awesome.

2. BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER SEASON 8 #26 - This issue starts a new story arc for the Scoobies post Sunnydale. Season 8 has been fantastic, and I was lucky enough to start watching this series after season 8 began, so I had something to look forward to. This issue features a mind teasing last page, which makes me totally excited for next month. This issue deals with the fallout of the previous arc, where Slayers were branded as evil, and Vampires made into the good guys, thanks to a fucking reality show. And I could totally see that happening in our world. Also, this issue brings back a universally loved character from the Buffyverse, not seen for some time, though I won't say who, in case you actually want to read this, so you can find out for yourself.

3. WITCHFINDER #1 - Looks like this is a Dark Horse heavy week. This last issue is the first from a new miniseries by Mike Mignola. He made a little series called HELLBOY and then several spinoffs (BPRD, ABE SAPIEN, LOBSTER JOHNSON). This series is one such spinoff. It centers around Sir Edward Grey, the Witchfinder. He is called in to investigate a series of paranormal murders, and that is reallly all this issue shows. I am really, more than anything, just excited to be jumping on a weekly Mignola title, since the onther series he's had going, were in the middle of story arcs when I first started reading. So, this will hopefully be the first of many readings made possible by this lover of B Movie monsters and fairy tale tropes.

Here endeth the lesson.


The BKteN Number 9

So, it's been way longer than I've wanted since I did one of these, and I hope it has been longer than you wanted. Also, on Monday, I plan to put out a double "I've Got Issues" for the last 2 weeks. So, here's to hoping that I get on a regular schedule with this stuff. The plan is to drop a "BKteN" on Mondays, and "I've Got Issues" on Thursdays, so we'll see how long I can keep that up. So, let's get into it!

1. TAKING BACK SUNDAY - So, last summer I was able to find a common love for COHEED AND CAMBRIA with some friends, and this summer, I have been able to discover a common love for TAKING BACK SUNDAY. It has been a while since I have listened to them, but hearing them again was totally awesome. Also awesome: having access to a sound system with a microphone so that I can scream along to "Cute Without the 'E' (Cut from the Team)" to an audience of 20 of my favorite people. It was a fun experience. (Bonus points or honerable mention to screaming out "A Decade Under the Influence" at almost 4 in the morning on a drunken return to the apartment.) Also, TBS was the first nonChristian mainstream concert I went to, and it was totes awesome!

2. UP - I had been hearing about this one since it came out, and I had some high expectations for it. And like Batman did for Joker when tested in THE DARK KNIGHT, it didn't disappoint. I can admit to having teared up a few times. The story was very heavy, but at the same time, it gave me so much joy. I really cannot recommend this movie highly enough. Thinking back on it, I think this may be my favorite movie so far this year. This movie was also one of the most original movies I have seen in quite some time, and was a nice breath of fresh air. On another note, this was probably the only time that I felt like seeing the movie in 3D was actually worth it. Probably because it was not a constant case of removing and putting on the glasses, and was instead a fully 3D experience. I even forgot several times that I was seeing it in 3D because I was really immersed in the film.

3. HACK/SLASH - Almost every horror movie ends with one girl having survived the night's terror. Ever wonder what happens next? What she does? Well, look no further. HACK/SLASH is a comic series that adopts such a premise. They put new twists on horror storytelling, and also bring in classic stories (both horror and non). I've been reading through and it is very interesting. Also, it does not hurt that Cassandra Hack (half of the comic's namesake) it totally fricking hott. For a drawing. Anyway, it is a fun read, and has some great Buffyesque humor throughout.

4. THIS AMERICAN LIFE ON SHOWTIME - I've seen 3 episodes of this program now, and I am really enjoying it. The stories are definitely compelling, and it makes me want to follow the series in its audio format. All I can say is that I love Netflix for its streaming shows, which has allowed me to feel like I'm watching it for free.

5. CYANIDE AND HAPPINESS - This is just a hilarious webcomic. They are completely irreverant, and without mercy. It makes me laugh very much. Check it out. explosm.net

6. THE HANGOVER - This may have been the funniest movie I have seen this summer. I was constantly laughing, and left the theater feeling so satisfied. All three of the leads in this one were just perfectly cast, and each did their part to make this movie work perfectly. I had so much fun in this movie. I don't know what else I can really say, except, go see this movie if you have not yet. It is absolutely worth your time. See it with friends. It will make it better. You're welcome.

7. PARTY DOWN - How did STARZ luck out on getting this show? I'm not sure, but I'm glad they did. This show had its first season recently, and it was pretty excellent. The show got better as each episode progressed. The cast is fantastic, and has such a great chemistry with one another throughout. Also, the guest stars in each episode are a riot. Having seen all of VERONICA MARS, it was nice to see most of that cast turn up in roles throughout the season. The show is really funny, and I am sure if you look, you can find someplace to watch it.

8. Y: THE LAST MAN - Yorrick Brown entered into a scenario that could be cliche or overdone, or handled very poorly. In an instant, he became the last man alive on Earth. I have read the first 2 story arcs of this series, and it is pretty awesome. It actually deals with the situation in a way that could be 100% believable. Also, this is a comic series, if you didn't know. It was written and co-created by Brian K. Vaughan, who also has done some work on LOST, co-writing some of my favorite episodes of the series. This series is only 60 issues long. It is also a quick read, even by comic book standards. So, that could be appealing. Oh, also, in addition to Yorrick, there is also Ampersand, Yorrick's pet monkey, who is also a male. The two of them get brought into a search to find out why there are no men left alive, and have much to deal with.

9. THE DOG OF NASHVILLE - What food is perfect for the summer? Hot dogs! Yes, hot dogs. This is a hot dog joint in Nashville off 21st, and it is freaking awesome. I've only eaten there once, but it was delicious. Also, they do 2 for 1s on beer after 5 every day, so that is totally appealing. I want to go back there soon, and have more hot dogs. Yes. Hot dog.

10. 80s BOWLING NIGHT - This would be when a group of people plan to get together an go bowling, and dress like a stereotypical 80s decade person. Bowling is fun, and looking goofy is fun, so this should be a no brainer. I got to do this in celebration of Orientation ending for the summer, and I just had a blast. Some highlights include screaming Creed at the top of our lungs, when we put it on the juke box, and moving back to Alex's home for dancing after. This was an all around fun night. I recommend you get your friends together to do one of these sometime soon.

Here endeth the lesson.