
Status Update on The Gravemaker

Hello all! So, right now I am putting off doing homework, because that's just how I roll.

I thought I would give you an update on my project that I talked about a few weeks ago. The one I am referring to is the screenplay I am working on, tentatively titled: THE GRAVEMAKER.

Last Friday in my Shakespeare class, my head kicked into gear, and I completely visualize the opening to this movie, and wrote it down as rapidly as I possibly could. If my vision is able to translate into the film version of it, then it will be a pretty awesome hook for the movie. I can tell you that the opening shots lead into a heist that sets the whole movie into motion.

I can't take credit for this because it was largely inspired by the opening of THE DARK KNIGHT, but I am in no way stealing the opening to that phenomenal movie. It will be my own thing. So yeah, I have the beginning, which is always the hardest part for me, and the rest should hopefully flow into fruition.

If you faithful readers want to help me, and even you not so faithful ones, this week, ask me - frequently - if I have started working the story into screenplay format. I would greatly appreciate that, though it may annoy me if you do it often. In the long run it will pay off. And who knows? You may even get a special thanks in the credits when I make the movie.

So, there you are for now. I am gonna go finish my beer, and work on homework.

You can't stop the signal...


Just a General Update

Well, I don't think I am going to be continuing City on the Edge. At least not for a while now. I have no idea where I was going with it, but maybe I will sometime in the future and actually put some work into it.

So, yeah, sorry again that I haven't really been keeping up. Since school has started, I've been pretty busy. Yeah, I know, I'm that important. Not impotent. Don't confuse the two. I don't. So, yeah.

If you all would like to hear a bit of irony from my life, here you are:
The week before classes started I had my schedule canceled, and I completely freaked out. My mom and I essentially got into a fight over it. It wasn't good. All that to say, I rushed to get all of my financial aid shit taken care of, and now, a week into the semester, I am just burned out on class. I think it is because this past summer was so incredible, and I had the freedom to do whatever I want, and the things I chose to do with my time were so beyond awesome, that now I wish I still could do those things instead of going to class every day and focusing on things that I really do not know how they will help me in my preferred career field. So that's awesome.

I feel like this is just going to be an amalgam of different thoughts and ideas I have tonight, and have had recently that I want to share. So, here are some of the ideas, phrases, or whatever else I may want to say. Because, hey, its a blog here.

1. I have come up with two new expressions that I am way proud of. One of them is "It's getting thrown around like virginities on prom night." It seems self explanatory to me, but I came up with it. Basically it is to be used when people are overusing something (or at least using it alot). You know, like "That's what she said jokes got thrown around during Summer Staff like virginities on prom night." So there's one.

2. The second is best used in an example. "That tornado ripped through that town like it was an asshole in prison." Or better suited to the recent Olympic climate in the world, "Michael Phelps ripped through swimming records like they were assholes in prison." So there is that.

3. I am reading THE AMAZING ADVENTURES OF KAVALIER AND CLAY right now, and I really dig it.

4. I had one of the best weekends over the Labor Day weekend, and it was spent primarily with 2/3 of the other members (excluding myself) of The Killer B's. And there was some time with the other as well.

5. I am fine with where I am in life. I can't change it. I'll have to deal.

6. I need to see THE DARK KNIGHT again. I am serious here. If anyone wants to go with me, call me. I may still go anyway though. I love that movie more than my children. Don't worry, I don't have children. That I know of.

Okay, that's all my rambling for tonight. I will once again make the promise to try to keep up with this thing as best as I can. The best way for me to do that would be to have some comments on my writing or thoughts, so yeah. If you are interested, keep me interested. Goodnight.

You can't stop the signal...