
Status Update on The Gravemaker

Hello all! So, right now I am putting off doing homework, because that's just how I roll.

I thought I would give you an update on my project that I talked about a few weeks ago. The one I am referring to is the screenplay I am working on, tentatively titled: THE GRAVEMAKER.

Last Friday in my Shakespeare class, my head kicked into gear, and I completely visualize the opening to this movie, and wrote it down as rapidly as I possibly could. If my vision is able to translate into the film version of it, then it will be a pretty awesome hook for the movie. I can tell you that the opening shots lead into a heist that sets the whole movie into motion.

I can't take credit for this because it was largely inspired by the opening of THE DARK KNIGHT, but I am in no way stealing the opening to that phenomenal movie. It will be my own thing. So yeah, I have the beginning, which is always the hardest part for me, and the rest should hopefully flow into fruition.

If you faithful readers want to help me, and even you not so faithful ones, this week, ask me - frequently - if I have started working the story into screenplay format. I would greatly appreciate that, though it may annoy me if you do it often. In the long run it will pay off. And who knows? You may even get a special thanks in the credits when I make the movie.

So, there you are for now. I am gonna go finish my beer, and work on homework.

You can't stop the signal...

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