
Things Coming out in 2008 I am Pumped For (Part II)

I feel like I am going to be apologizing a lot for not constantly updatind this thing. That being said, I am sorry for getting a bit behind. This past weekend was Tax Free weekend, and I definitely work in a moderately affordable restaurant attatched to a mall, so it was a somewhat hecktic weekend.

So, that's out of the way, and on to business.

Back when I started this in January, my inaugural post featured a list of 10 things I was pumped for in 2008. I looked back, and saw that there has only been one thing on that list that has yet to come out. So, I figured I would do a new list, for what I have learned about since then, and am super psyched for. So, here we go:

10. Twilight (12/12)

Some of you know that I have recently started to read the TWILIGHT book series. I am three books in, and I am really digging it. It is really good because it has given me a desire to start reading all sorts of stuff. It even inspired me to make a personal reading list (which will probably be a post soon to come). Anyway, though it has gotten me to want to read, I still am passionate about movies. And this one looks promising, if it is anything like the book. The trailer makes it look like that is so. We'll see about that. But it is a really good story. Though, it does occasionally leave me feeling depressed because I am just so damn single. Not the best feeling in the world. Anyway, if you don't know about this, the story is basically about a girl who falls in love with a vampire (who also falls hard for her) and the two begin their relationship. It is cool because Stephanie Meyer created her own vampire mythology, and I am intrigued to see how some of it translated to film. Look out for it!

9. Choke (9/26)

This is the new movie based on a novel by Chuck Palahniuck. The first film, if you don't know, was FIGHT CLUB. The movie did a great job with the source material, and I am intrigued to see how this one turns out. Unfortunately I have not read this book (but it is on my reading list). It sounds promising enough, and the trailer looks pretty good. So, we will see how this one turns out.

8. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (12/19)

Wow it looks like everything I am excited for is based on some piece of writing. This is a film based on an F. Scott Fitzgerald story about a man, the eponymas Benjamin Button, who ages in reverse. When he was born he was physically like an old man, but the size of a baby, and as he grows older in years, he becomes more youthful. It looks interesting. Another teaming of Brad Pitt and David Fincher. The two have fared very well in their past two outings (FIGHT CLUB and SE7EN), so I want to see this. The trailer looks very eerie, and full of promise.

7. Burn After Reading (9/12)

The newest film from the Coen Brothers looks absolutely hilarious. I am not sure exactly what it is going to be about, but the Coens have only made one movie that I really did not care for (THE LADYKILLERS). I recently went through and watched every one of their movie that I had not seen at that point, and they were all really good. So, this one looks very good. The cast is pretty great as well. George Clooney, Brad Pitt, John Malkovich, Frances McDormand. Get ready for it!

6. Anberlin: New Surrender (9/30)

Anberlin is one of my favorite bands, easily, and I got pretty excited when I heard they are dropping a new album in September. It has only been about a year and a half since the phenomenal Cities, and so it was sort of surprising to hear that a new one is already coming out. The first track is available for listening to on the band's myspace (myspace.com/anberlin). They know how to rock the shit. Hopefully they will come through Nashville again on their tour for the CD.

5. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (11/21)

The 6th HARRY POTTER book was my second favorite of the series, so needless to say I am psyched for the movie. The only thing I am wary about is the fact that it has the same director as the previous installment, and he said that he felt that his cut of OOTP released for theaters was still too long (running at 2 hours it was the shortest of the movies, whereas OOTP was the longest of the books). I was admittedly disappointed with the OOTP film, but I still enjoyed it. Hopefully he keeps this story as close to the book as possible. It will be pretty great to see the story of He Who Must Not Be Named played out on the screen, so get ready!

4. Quantum of Solace (11/07)

Daniel Craig was pretty damn awesome as James Bond in CASINO ROYALE, so it will be exciting to see him continue the role in its direct sequel. The story picks up mere hours after the previous installment ended. The grittier take on the character has really re-invigorated this series. I can honestly say that I never really enjoyed a James Bond movie until CASINO ROYALE. It did for this series what BATMAN BEGINS did for the Batman films. Hopefully this movie will keep up the trend.

3. Fringe (9/09)

JJ Abrams has a new show coming out that starts off on a plane...And it is not a spin-off of LOST. It is supposed to be similar to THE X-FILES in nature. I reall don't know much about it except that the trailer looks freaking awesome and it will be during Fox's new Remote Free TV programming scheme which will cut the commercial time in half, allowing for more richly developed stories. I just hopw it is not a let down. But I trust JJ with a story like this. He is a force ot be reckoned with in Hollywood right now, in my opinion.

2. Heroes Volume 3: Villains (9/22)

I don't know too much about the next installment of Heroes, except that it is supposed to make up for Season 2's lackluster qualities. I was somewhat let down by Volume 2, and it will be nice to see things begin to turn around. I won't say anything about the plot, for those of you who have not seen Season 2 (you're welcome Brett) and also for the sake of you spoiler-phobes. All I can say is that the season premier will be 2 hours long, and I will probably have a few nerd-gasms during it, from what I have heard.

1. Lovedrug: The Sucker Punch Show (10/28)

I just heard about this tonight. My favorite band is coming out with a new CD, 6 days after my birthday. Their last album kicked some major ass, so I am definitely stoked to see how this one is. The first track they have released is pretty frakking awesome. It is on their myspace. The only track on there. (myspace.com/lovedrug) I can't really get enough of those guys. Some people got boners over the new Coldplay album when it came out. Some did the same for Weezer. I will undoubtedly be doing the same with Lovedrug's new disc. Get ready for it. I will probably obsess over this one for a while.

So, there you have it. I am really excited for all of this stuff this year. I will try to post tomorrow, or Friday at the latest. I also got a tumblr page and will be keeping up with that as well. I have put up a couple videos so far. It will hopefully deliver a smattering of things that you will enjoy. So, check that out. http://brandonorman.tumblr.com Until next time.

You can't stop the signal...

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