
The Architect is Coming

Greetings everyone!

I return from a long bout of not posting on here to make a big announcement. First, let me apologize for my absence. The semester is getting really busy, but things should be (blood) letting up soon. So, I will try to be more regular. And I will try to post here more often.

So, the announcement.

On January 26, 2009 at 6:00 PM Central Standard Time the first volume of the three part Delirium City Trilogy will be posted on the Internets for the whole world to see. It will be presented in an episodic manner. In a few weeks I will be posting the prelude to the story. Then, for the next year, I will be releasing chapters on a week-by-week basis. There will be 50 chapters, typically spanning about 10-12 pages long, but there will be some "super-sized" chapters along the way.

Delirium City: The Architect is the story of 6 citizens of Delirium City, and the force that is drawing them together. Jack Heart's mother was killed when he was a teenager, and now, at 21 years old, he has started a new job, insomnia, and is in therapy to help him deal with his problem. Frank Fallow runs The Necro District and is searching for something hidden within Delirium City. Audrey King is a student at Delirium City University studying computer programming who comes across a strange file on her friend's computer, shortly before he mysteriously disappears. Dr. Damon Goodwin has begun meeting with a prisoner in Serenity Valley Maximum Security Penitentiary to gain important information, but he is not what he seems. Clarence Henry makes a discovery at a murder investigation that slowly becomes an obsession with a mysterious man and his invention. Solomon Myers is locked away in the Delirium City Sanitarium, by his own choice, and is visited by a mysterious doctor with a hidden agenda.

So, there you are. You can find the story at http://deliriumcity.blogspot.com. The address will move when I have the time and capability to construct a more legit website for it, but for now, I need to get the pressure on myself to tell the story, and finish it.

Here endeth the lesson.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice. There's a lot of awesome starting in January.