
My Return

So, it has been quite some time since I last posted on here. I have been somewhat busy, and basically uninterested in maintaining this blog for that time, but I have been thinking about it, and I decided that I will keep it up, even if nobody is really reading it to begin with.

That being said, I am, like 3 of my top 4 TV shows, back to entertain you. (Those three, by the way, are How I Met Your Mother, Battlestar Galactica, and The Office.)

And speaking of those shows, I want to take this time to tell you why you need to be watching Battlestar Galactica. This is one of the most incredibly written shows on TV right now, and that is really surprising if you consider the fact that this show is on the SciFi channel. Now, don't get me wrong, I really enjoy science fiction, but the SciFi channel really does put out some really campy shows. Galactica, on the other hand really features some incredible writing, acting, effects. It is an all around great show. If you don't watch it, then my suggestion to you is to either: 1) get ahold of me and ask to borrow the mini-series that served as its back door pilot, and; 2) go rent it from Blockbuster, or if you use Netflix, try it there; 3) take a gamble and buy the mini-series (or possibly the first season because it is included in the season 1 DVD). Whatever you do, if you really enjoy well written entertainment, then you will really enjoy this show.

If you are unfamiliar with this series, let me give you a quick rundown. Humanity lives on the 12 colonies, somewhere in a galaxy far removed from our own in space, in some indeterminate time compared to our present. A good while before the story begins, humans created the Cylons. The Cylons were machines created to do the bidding of humanity. Something happened along the way, and the Cylons became self aware. Their artificial intelligence became actual intelligence, and they began to reason. They decided that they no longer wanted to serve humans, and they rebelled. The first Cylon War raged on for some time, until, an cease fire was declared, and the war stopped. The Cylons found their own home world, and disappeared to it, seemingly forever.

About fifty years later, on the day of the decommissioning of the Battlestar class ship Galactica, something happened. The Cylons attacked humanity with a massive nuclear assault on the 12 colony worlds. Humanity was reduced to a rag-tag group of less than 50,000 people. They were now a gang on the run from their own creation. The most curious piece of the Cylon attack was the fact that the Cylons were now able to mimic the appearance of humans so well that medical experts could telll absolutely no difference between a Cylon and a human. There are twelve Cylon models, with limitless copies. When a Cylon "skinjob" is killed, their consciousness is downloaded to either a Resurrection Ship or the Cylon homeworld, depending on which is in closer proximity to the dying Cylon.

The show has just begun its fourth, and final season, which will last 20 episodes.

I know I can tell you this show is great until I am blue in the face, but I thought I would really take this time to tell you WHY it is so great. Yesterday I was watching the most recent episode of the show, and something that I had briefly thought about before really dawned on me. In this show there is no real clear cut villain of the series. There are characters with more undesirable traits than others, and we obviously will always pull for humanity to survive and be the "victor," but at the same time I find myself rooting for the Cylons, and hoping I can see more of their story played out. There are characters both Cylon and Human alike that I root for every week. The show really digs deeply into the nature of good and evil, and how we can tell one from the other. There are good guys and bad guys on both sides. The show does what good SciFi should do, and makes you think. They have run the gamut on issues prevalent in out society today, and I believe that it will be a show that is used years from now to look at what our culture was like today.

* * *

I will try to keep this updated more frequently. I hope you enjoy reading my thoughts. Until next time.

You can't stop the signal.

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