
The Shape of Things to Come

First off, no this is not a blog about last week's LOST. It is about my summer, and how awesome it is going to be. I am really ready for it to be here. This time next week, I will be completely done with exams, and just have to go to a class on Tuesday night, which totally blows.

When the summer starts, I have so much to look forward to. First of all, there is like maybe 2 or 3 weeks all summer long that there is not a movie coming out that I want to see. There are 3 or 4 movies I am completely committed to seeing, but the rest are ones I am somewhat into seeing. The must see movies for me are: The Dark Knight, Speed Racer, Wanted, and Iron Man. I could list the rest, but there are so many, I really wouldn't have time.

Also, I am doing Summer Staff for all of June, and that is going to be pretty sweet all in all. I will be living on campus for the month. I will get to hang with some awesome people and work with new students at school.

There is a screen writing convention coming to Nashville at the end of May, and that will be sweet. That is also like 2 days after the LOST finale, which is going to be incredible, I have decided. That along with all the other season finales, and Battlestar Galactica running its final season will make for some most excellent viewing for me this summer.

While all of this is going on, I am also going to be writing for Fall Follies at school, which is a once a year SNL type variety show happening in November. I am super excited about this. It is going to be really fun. So, that is really about it for now. I will check back in later. I am watching through all of the Coen Brothers' movies, and will report in on what I thought of them all. There will possibly be a ranking. I'm not sure, but we'll see.
Until next time.

You can't stop the signal...

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