
I've Got Issues Episode 2 (Special Double Sized Episode!)

So, two weeks ago I sat down to do this, and Orientation was happening, and I just got preoccupied, and it didn't happen. Then we got into a third week, and I was still busy with stuff, so now, I bring you the second installment of my top 3 comics of the week. This time with the top 3 of the past 2 weeks. So, let's start it up!

Week of 6/24/09

1. UNCANNY X-MEN/DARK AVENGERS: UTOPIA ONE SHOT - So, up until now the X-Men have been relatively absent from the DARK REIGN event going on over at Marvel. The only real exception to this would be Emma Frost's membership in Norman Osbourne's Cabal. If this is sounding confusing to you, then I would recommend heading over to Wikipedia and search for "Dark Reign". Go to the comics page, and read away. I am very excited to see where this story goes. Also, the art work in there is pretty good. I like it at least. Also, since this is part 1 of the crossover, it does not require the daunting task of going through loads of backstory to start it up, cause that's just how Marvel rolls. Now, if you WANT to go back and find out more, I would recommend it, if only for the sheer enjoyment of seeing where many of these characters come from. If nothing else, look it up on Wikipedia.

2. X-FORCE #16 (MESSIAH WAR FINALE) - The end of the 7 part Messiah War (which is apparently the second part of a trilogy which will shape the X-Men universe) brings closure to the fight to save Hope. Or at least closure to this fight. The Messiah War has been an interesting crossover between Cable and X-Force (the black ops team of the X-Men that Scott Summers, aka Cyclops, put together to do the dirty work the other X-Men can't be seen doing). This one would be hard to get into specifics because it is the end of the story, and won't make sense unless you've been following. But I would highly recommend picking up the trade when it does come out to see how this all went down. On another note, this crossover started on the first day I went to Great Escape to make my very first comic pull, and start my weekly tradition.

3. SECRET WARRIORS #5 - This series is easily in my top 3 ongoing titles right now. This series was started at the beginning of the Dark Reign, and was really just a sweet way to bring in 5 brand new characters. I love everything about this series, from the art, to the writing, to what it brings to the Marvel Universe as a whole. This issue only really showed Nick Fury, and was really (like #4 last month) more set up for a kick ass finale to the first story arc. But the last page, as this series so often does for me, made me get way excited. Simply put, I am having a hard time waiting for next month to see what happens next. In terms of sheer anticipation, this series is like the LOST of comics for me. So, that should put it into perspective.

Week of 7/1/09

1. CAPTAIN AMERICA REBORN #1 - So, they are bringing back Steve Rogers, eh? I wouldn't really trust anyone to do this, apart from the man who "killed" him. And, in all honesty, the way they are setting this up has me excited. I won't say much because I really think it is worth your 4 bucks to go out and read this one, but this story is introducing an element that is very dear to my heart, thanks largely to LOST. I am excited to see where Brubaker takes this in the future, and he is one of the best writers out there now, so what's in store will totally be awesome.

2. BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER SEASON 8 #26 - This issue starts a new story arc for the Scoobies post Sunnydale. Season 8 has been fantastic, and I was lucky enough to start watching this series after season 8 began, so I had something to look forward to. This issue features a mind teasing last page, which makes me totally excited for next month. This issue deals with the fallout of the previous arc, where Slayers were branded as evil, and Vampires made into the good guys, thanks to a fucking reality show. And I could totally see that happening in our world. Also, this issue brings back a universally loved character from the Buffyverse, not seen for some time, though I won't say who, in case you actually want to read this, so you can find out for yourself.

3. WITCHFINDER #1 - Looks like this is a Dark Horse heavy week. This last issue is the first from a new miniseries by Mike Mignola. He made a little series called HELLBOY and then several spinoffs (BPRD, ABE SAPIEN, LOBSTER JOHNSON). This series is one such spinoff. It centers around Sir Edward Grey, the Witchfinder. He is called in to investigate a series of paranormal murders, and that is reallly all this issue shows. I am really, more than anything, just excited to be jumping on a weekly Mignola title, since the onther series he's had going, were in the middle of story arcs when I first started reading. So, this will hopefully be the first of many readings made possible by this lover of B Movie monsters and fairy tale tropes.

Here endeth the lesson.


The BKteN Number 9

So, it's been way longer than I've wanted since I did one of these, and I hope it has been longer than you wanted. Also, on Monday, I plan to put out a double "I've Got Issues" for the last 2 weeks. So, here's to hoping that I get on a regular schedule with this stuff. The plan is to drop a "BKteN" on Mondays, and "I've Got Issues" on Thursdays, so we'll see how long I can keep that up. So, let's get into it!

1. TAKING BACK SUNDAY - So, last summer I was able to find a common love for COHEED AND CAMBRIA with some friends, and this summer, I have been able to discover a common love for TAKING BACK SUNDAY. It has been a while since I have listened to them, but hearing them again was totally awesome. Also awesome: having access to a sound system with a microphone so that I can scream along to "Cute Without the 'E' (Cut from the Team)" to an audience of 20 of my favorite people. It was a fun experience. (Bonus points or honerable mention to screaming out "A Decade Under the Influence" at almost 4 in the morning on a drunken return to the apartment.) Also, TBS was the first nonChristian mainstream concert I went to, and it was totes awesome!

2. UP - I had been hearing about this one since it came out, and I had some high expectations for it. And like Batman did for Joker when tested in THE DARK KNIGHT, it didn't disappoint. I can admit to having teared up a few times. The story was very heavy, but at the same time, it gave me so much joy. I really cannot recommend this movie highly enough. Thinking back on it, I think this may be my favorite movie so far this year. This movie was also one of the most original movies I have seen in quite some time, and was a nice breath of fresh air. On another note, this was probably the only time that I felt like seeing the movie in 3D was actually worth it. Probably because it was not a constant case of removing and putting on the glasses, and was instead a fully 3D experience. I even forgot several times that I was seeing it in 3D because I was really immersed in the film.

3. HACK/SLASH - Almost every horror movie ends with one girl having survived the night's terror. Ever wonder what happens next? What she does? Well, look no further. HACK/SLASH is a comic series that adopts such a premise. They put new twists on horror storytelling, and also bring in classic stories (both horror and non). I've been reading through and it is very interesting. Also, it does not hurt that Cassandra Hack (half of the comic's namesake) it totally fricking hott. For a drawing. Anyway, it is a fun read, and has some great Buffyesque humor throughout.

4. THIS AMERICAN LIFE ON SHOWTIME - I've seen 3 episodes of this program now, and I am really enjoying it. The stories are definitely compelling, and it makes me want to follow the series in its audio format. All I can say is that I love Netflix for its streaming shows, which has allowed me to feel like I'm watching it for free.

5. CYANIDE AND HAPPINESS - This is just a hilarious webcomic. They are completely irreverant, and without mercy. It makes me laugh very much. Check it out. explosm.net

6. THE HANGOVER - This may have been the funniest movie I have seen this summer. I was constantly laughing, and left the theater feeling so satisfied. All three of the leads in this one were just perfectly cast, and each did their part to make this movie work perfectly. I had so much fun in this movie. I don't know what else I can really say, except, go see this movie if you have not yet. It is absolutely worth your time. See it with friends. It will make it better. You're welcome.

7. PARTY DOWN - How did STARZ luck out on getting this show? I'm not sure, but I'm glad they did. This show had its first season recently, and it was pretty excellent. The show got better as each episode progressed. The cast is fantastic, and has such a great chemistry with one another throughout. Also, the guest stars in each episode are a riot. Having seen all of VERONICA MARS, it was nice to see most of that cast turn up in roles throughout the season. The show is really funny, and I am sure if you look, you can find someplace to watch it.

8. Y: THE LAST MAN - Yorrick Brown entered into a scenario that could be cliche or overdone, or handled very poorly. In an instant, he became the last man alive on Earth. I have read the first 2 story arcs of this series, and it is pretty awesome. It actually deals with the situation in a way that could be 100% believable. Also, this is a comic series, if you didn't know. It was written and co-created by Brian K. Vaughan, who also has done some work on LOST, co-writing some of my favorite episodes of the series. This series is only 60 issues long. It is also a quick read, even by comic book standards. So, that could be appealing. Oh, also, in addition to Yorrick, there is also Ampersand, Yorrick's pet monkey, who is also a male. The two of them get brought into a search to find out why there are no men left alive, and have much to deal with.

9. THE DOG OF NASHVILLE - What food is perfect for the summer? Hot dogs! Yes, hot dogs. This is a hot dog joint in Nashville off 21st, and it is freaking awesome. I've only eaten there once, but it was delicious. Also, they do 2 for 1s on beer after 5 every day, so that is totally appealing. I want to go back there soon, and have more hot dogs. Yes. Hot dog.

10. 80s BOWLING NIGHT - This would be when a group of people plan to get together an go bowling, and dress like a stereotypical 80s decade person. Bowling is fun, and looking goofy is fun, so this should be a no brainer. I got to do this in celebration of Orientation ending for the summer, and I just had a blast. Some highlights include screaming Creed at the top of our lungs, when we put it on the juke box, and moving back to Alex's home for dancing after. This was an all around fun night. I recommend you get your friends together to do one of these sometime soon.

Here endeth the lesson.


I've Got Issues Episode 1

Hey everyone! Sorry it's been some time since my last post. Summer Staff has really been consuming all my time. So, this is a new feature I am going to be doing on the blog, which I hope you will all come to know and love. BKteN is still going to be around, so don't worry aobut that one, but I have been wanting to do for a little while now. Before I launch into it, here is a basic rundown:

Every week I go to the comic book store and drop some money in exchange for entertainment. This happens on Wednesdays, since that's the new comic release day. I will usually have the week's pull read by the end of Wednesday. Every week, on here, I am going to post my 3 favorite issues (in no particular order), and then a little bit about why I liked them and what they are. So, let's get into it!

1. CAPTAIN AMERICA #600 - So, this issue was a big special deal for Marvel. They are in their 70th anniversary, and several of their long running major series are releasing their 600th overall issue. For almost all of these the series will be reverting to its original numbering. Basically, the current run of CAPTAIN AMERICA has gone 51 issues now, but since the series began there has been 600 issues. Anyway, the issue was 100 pagesish long and has some cool ancillary stories, as well as a reprint of an old CAP issue. The overall theme to the series is remembering Steve Rogers (the original Captain America) on the one year anniversary of his assassination. The main story, written by Ed Brubaker sets up where the series is heading (including the return of Steve Rogers). It was just a solid issue, and I very much enjoyed it.

2. BATMAN AND ROBIN #1 - A few months ago DC had a BATMAN storyline that ended with Bruce Wayne dead (well, actually sent into the prehistoric past) and Gotham City was without someone to don the mantle of Batman. Between then and now there was a massive fight over who would be the next Batman, which ended with Dick Grayson (the first Robin) taking it up. This series introduces the new dynamic duo of Dick Grayson as Batman, and Bruce Wayne's son Damien as Robin. This issue was a number 1, so it is all about setting up the story and introducing the new team. Also it ends with an incredibly creepy introduction of a new villain that looks like he could give the Joker a run for his money in creepiness. I will definitely be picking up the next issue.

3. INCOGNITO #4 - Ed Brubaker once again makes the list with his very interesting crime drama/superhero-esque tale. The series is about a supervillain who is placed in witness protection, and gets so bored with his life that he becomes a superhero. He doesn't care about people. He just wants something exciting to do. The series is only limited, and is written solidly. This is definitely a series that I get excited waiting for the upcoming issue, and this one definitely set the stage for some interesting things in the future. One thing that is cool about this series is that the superheroes that already exist in this world are assholes just like the villains, so it is hard to root for either. The story is just compelling and really well paced, so it makes for a tight read.

So, there's my first episode of I'VE GOT ISSUES. I hope you enjoyed it. I will see you soon with another BKteN, as well as some other weekly postings I will be rolling out in the coming weeks.

Here endeth the lesson.


The BKteN Number 8

Well, here I am again, and I believe it is time for a new list, how about you? No wasting time, let's get into it!

1. Fable 2 - So, I already featured the first game in a previous list, and I finally got around to playing this one. This is the kind of game that I get completely sucked in to because it is so in depth. The extent to which choices affect your actions is totally awesome. First of all, you can choose between being a male or female. You also get a dog that runs around with you in the game and you can teach it tricks and such as the game progresses. It is incredibly fun, and the story ain't bad either. If you decide to run through the main game on its own you could knock it out in a day, no problem. But I ran around and did side missions and such as I went, so it took considerably took longer.

2. Terminator: Salvation - Okay, last summer there was SPEED RACER, which was critically panned but I totally loved it. This summer there is TERMINATOR: SALVATION. I would say I am on a severe Scifi kick right now, but I always love some cool Scifi, and have just been immersed in it lately. This movie is not the best thing I have ever seen. But it is a fun and action-packed. I think that the problem people are having with this is that they expect it to be another JUDGMENT DAY, but it isn't. Who cares? The action is tight. Sam Worthington totally works as the emotional center for the movie, and I am excited to see what else he does in the future. So, I recommend the movie.

3. Rapture - So, there has only been one issue of this limited series, but I really dug it. The story is basically that all the superheroes in the world (avter a massive turf war between themselves over the cities the protect) vanished. One year later, this woman, who was separated from the love of her life exactly one year earier, on the day the heroes vanished, has powers awakened within her. Her choice now is whether to try to find her love or protect the world. But she will clearly try to do both. I am definitely picking up the next issue of this when it drops.

4. Guitar Hero World Tour - So, I am a brand loyalist, meaning that I bought this full band game over ROCK BAND and its sequel. Nothing against those games. I just like GUITAR HERO. The game is fun. I can't get the hang of the drums, but whatever. I still have fun playing with other people, and I can still play the guitar fairly well. It's fun. So, yeah.

5. The Umbrella Academy: Apocalypse Suite - Okay, like the name BATTLESTAR GALACTICA will be a major detractor for people watching the incredible series, this comic series unfortunately has the stigma that it was written by Gerard Way of My Chemical Romance. Now, you all know that I totally enjoy MCR, but this is on another level. The world that Way has created here is full of wonder and he has set up a solid series with this solid arc. The story focuses on a group of adopted children, born under unusual circumstances, and were adopted by a wealthy scientist to "Save the World." I really think that you should check this out. I can lend this out if you want to read it. Just give me the word. Or you can go read it at a bookstore. It is worth buying though.

6. High School Musical 3 - Okay, this is borderline embarassing, but I just saw this movie, and completely loved it. I have watched it three times in the last three days. I totally loved it more than anticipated. And it should come as no surprise to anyone who knows me or follows this blog that I enjoy musicals. They did a solid job on this movie. Sure it has cheesey bits, but what musical movie doesn't? Yeah. The cast is stellar, and I have enjoyed it more each time I've watched.

7. The Lonely Island - These guys crack me the hell up. The INCREDIBAD CD is totally solid. The music is both funny and good to listen to. You have probably hear a song or 2 at least of theirs from their viral web status. They were behind the classics "Jizz in My Pants," "Dick in a Box," and "Mother Lovers." It all really boils down to your particular brand of humor, and they totally fit mine.

8. Ultimate Wolverine vs. Hulk - This was written by Damon Lindeloff. Nuff said for me. If you are unfamiliar with him, he co-created and is one of the show runners for a little show called LOST. So, that is enough for me.

9. The Lord of the Rings Trilogy - Right now I am referring to the movies. I just watched all of these last week, and fell back in love with them. They are quite excellent films, and Peter Jackson totallly deserved the Oscars the movies won. These movies are solid. And at this point, it is one of those movies that if you don't plan to see it, you won't see it. So, yeah.

10. The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien - Finally Conan is back on TV, and it is glorious. I would write more about this, but it is coming on right now, and I am just going to go downstairs and watch it. You should be watching too.

That's all I have for this week. Take my recommendations for serious guys. I am serious about them.

Here endeth the lesson.


The BKteN Number 7

Hello everyone. Sorry this is somewhat late coming, but we went out of town last week, so I didn't get a chance to write it. So, I'll stop wasting time and get into it.

A QUICK NOTE: I definitely started working on this last week, and just kind of put it off. So, here we go. Enjoy!

1. BATMAN BEGINS - To make up for the complete atrocity that was me forgetting to put this movie in my Summer Blockbuster Special, I am throwing it in this week first. This movie was completely awesome, and it is responsible for my starting to read comics. Now, I will say that I enjoyed comic movies before this came out, but this made me actually want to read comics. Plus I remember that I was excited for this while everyone else was groaning that they were making "another Batman movie." After BATMAN AND ROBIN, who wouldn't have felt that way? Oh yeah: Me! I found an early draft of the script over a year before the movie came out, read it, and knew that if it was in fact the movie they were making (which it was) that it would be an exceptional film. Without this movie, we wouldn't have had THE DARK KNIGHT, and we all know how much less complete my life would be without that movie. In regards to this particular Batman franchise, I throw out the quote to the defining song of our entire generation (if not millennium): "My life would suck without you."

2. STAR TREK - I haven't seen but one episode of the original series, and only one of the films ("Space Seed" and its story sequel THE WRATH OF KHAN). I am talking about JJ Abrams' tour de force summer opening movie. Seriously this movie kicks so much ass. I can easily say that it is my favorite movie to come out so far this year. I had a perfect blend of action and comedy, that didn't really fall into the dramcom category. The casting was perfect. The writing was stellar. Also, I could tell when they were throwing out references to the series past, yet it was still entertaining to me. This is just an all around good flick. If you haven't seen it by now, WTF is wrong with you?

3. LOST - I had planned to write this list up shortly after the season finale, but procrastination got the better of me, so I am writing it now. I really don't know that there is anything I can say to sway anyone for or against this show. If you are going to watch it, you know you will, and if you are going to avoid watching it, I won't change anything. I just love it. The show is phenomenal and has only 17 hours worth of shows left. Let's hope that they truly can give it a send off worthy of kings, or something like that.

4. THE DEATH OF CAPTAIN AMERICA - Running from issues 25 through 42, this story line took a classic character (Steve Rogers) and the dream he representd (Captain America), and completely revitalized it. Ed Brubaker had been preparing for this since he started writing for the series at issue 1 of the current volume. This development has been touted by some as a means to increase sales, but the stgory moved along such a logical progression of story, and really brought the MARVEL Universe into the state that it is in now. Also, the moment when the new Captain America takes up the mantle means so much more, and resonnates more than the mantle-taking of the new Batman at the end of BATTLE FOR THE COWL (I read the last few pages, and it was alright, but not as good as this.)

5. INCOGNITO - Continuing my Ed Brubaker love fest is this miniseries Brubaker is making through MARVEL's creater owned imprint ICON. The story centers on a supervillain who is placed in witness protection, and has his powers dampened, after his brother was murdered by the men he once worked with. In the story, the "protagonist" decides to become a superhero just cause he's bored, and it gives him something to do. He feels alive, after finding a way to bypass the power dampening drugs. It's good, violent, sexy stuff. Brubaker knows his crime drama.

6. DAREDEVIL: THE KING OF HELL'S KITCHEN - Writer Brian Michael Bendis turns Daredevil into the new Kingpin of Hell's Kitchen, with Matt Murdock hoping that he can eliminate the crime in his home by lording over it. After some nearly successful assassination attempts by the Yakuza, Murdock sees his mistake and brings in some of his superhero friends to help correct the mistake. But the very nature of Murdock's intentions come into question, creating a new creative direction for this unconventional superhero story.

7. THE BIG BANG THEORY - This is a comdy for nerds, and obviously by nerds. And I love it. It isn't condescending to the culture, either, in the way that HEROES has been for its last 2 seasons. I have seen a good bit of season 1, and I really dig it. Plus Kaley Cuoko is a freaking babe. It is good to see a show that has a dorky guy like me having the chance to get with a super hottie like her. And they know their Nerdology. So, yeah. Give it a chance. I had low expectations for it, but TK brought one of the previous episodes to my attention, and like HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER, this is a traditional sitcom that showcases the style's strengths, and lets us see that maybe this style of storytelling doesn't need to be taken out behind the chemical shed after we shotgun a few PBR's and work up the balls to get rid of it.

8. DR. PEPPER CHERRY - This is just a smooth, tasty new spin on an old favorite. I enjoy it much. Just go buy a 12 pack. You're welcome.

9. CALL OF DUTY: WORLD AT WAR - Fighting as both Russians against the Germans and Americans against the Japanese, 2 different stories from World War II are told. The game is intense and fun. It is also awesome to see blood fly in the air when you shoot people. The game is good fun, though fristrating at times, and could be used as a great stress killer. It's fun, and I enjoy WWII stories. Bad ass.

10. WILL FERRELL HOSTING THE SNL SEASON FINALE - This episode of SNL was totally awesome. I was laughing the whole time. The new Celebrity Jeopardy was as good as the classics, if not better. The Lawrence Welk Show sketch was a riot. And then there was the outrageous scene that was Ferrell essentially skipping out on a bill by recounting when he was in Nam. And he used a massive band to help show it. It's something that is just kind of weird when you see it at first, but thinking back it is pretty stellar.

So, there you go. I will certainly have another one of these up within the next week. Hope summer is going well for you all.

Here endeth the lesson.


The BKteN Number 6: Special Summer Movie Blockbuster Edition

So, this weekend starts the summer movie season. You may say, "What about WOLVERINE?" Seriously? I hated that so much I am starting my observance a week later. I don't even care. Tonight I am going to see STAR TREK at 7, and so, before I see my first summer movie of the year, I am going to throw together a list of some of my favorite summer movies since I was a freshman in High School. Here's the rundown of it: I will basically put only one movie per year since 2002, with a few years getting a double dip. Also, I am skipping 2005 because there was nothing too mind blowing in the way of blockbusters that year. Sound good to you? Don't care either way. Now, let's go.

1. Spider-man - (2002) This is the year that I fell in love with superhero movies. I saw this one 5 or 6 times in the theater. That record is only matched by RETURN OF THE KING, and trailing behind those was OCEAN'S 11. This movie, though it certainly did get some things wrong, really got the superhero movie formula right. They did make the regrettable mistake of killing one of the most central villains to the mythos in the first movie. They took many liberties with the story. I will say, that it was nowhere near as awful as SPIDER-MAN 3. Looking back on it, it is harder to watch now, but everything about this movie clicked when I first saw it. If nothing else, it started me onto my comics loving path I am on now.

2. The Matrix Reloaded - (2003) Sure this movie was pretty much nonstop explosions, and didn't come close to the original. But, in all honesty, THE MATRIX was such an incredible movie, and the 4 year gap between movies, made expectations way too high. This was seriously a perfect summer movie. It had sex. Kung fu. Gunfights. A bad ass car chase. This was just a killer movie. It is definitely an enjoyable movie, and I really don't see why people feel like the Wachowskis wiped their asses with this movie. It was fun. Get over it.

3. Pirates of the Carribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl - (2003) This is the one that got people into the whole pirate craze. If you claim that you thought pirates were cool before this movie came out, you are probably a liar. I also am not saying that you thought they were lame either. This movie brought pirates into the public awareness. People just didn't think about pirates in general befoe this one. But then Johnny Depp swaggered on screen and changed things forever. Well, maybe not forever. But it definitely made pirates en vogue. And it also got lots of jachasshole guys to start wearing guyliner. So, there's that. But the movie is cool and fun. I mean it combines pirates and zombies. It would have been cool enough to maybe see pirates fight zombies. But no, this took it one step further and had a colonial navy fighting zombie pirates. Yeah.

4. Spider-man 2 - (2004) Now this is the single SPIDER-MAN movie that got everything right. They changed the Doctor Octopus story around some, but I would wager that it was made better. Everything about this movie greatly exceded the original. From the effects and story, right down to the theme song. I mean the first movie had the butt rock team up of Nickelback and Saliva singing "Hero" which I ate up when it came out, but now Chad Kroeger annoys me and thinks he is Jesus and records the same song over and over, so I am over it. This one had Dashboard Confessional's "Vindicated" as its theme. This song wasn't even originally supposed to be the theme, but when the movie execs heard the song Dashboard put together on their comission, they were all, "Shit" and they made it the theme. The movie is just plain awesome. It made the previous movie nearly unwatchable because it improved on it so much, and made its follower completely unwatchable because it just could never live up to its awesomeness.

5. Mission: Impossible III - (2006) This movie came out at exactly the right time for me. I had just gotten into JJ Abrams, and was in the middle of ALIAS when I saw it. It definitely had the same secret agent flair that ALIAS showed me, and it took it up to the next level. I don't care how you feel about Tom Cruise as a person, he rocked the shit out of this movie (and he does so consistently in all his movies in my opinion). Also, it took on the franchise from a different perspective than the previous installments, which made it even better. Each of these M:I movies bring their own style to the table, and this one is definitely my favorite. Seems appropriate that Abrams' directorial debut is on the list that is being composed mere hours before I see his follow up.

6. Clerks II - (2006) I saw this movie right after a huge Kevin Smith bender, so I could get ready for the movie. Make sense? So, anyway, it really makes the list for a couple reasons: 1) I felt I needed a comedy, and this one is both hilarious and poignant. 2) I also did not want to put more than 2 movies to a given year, so I decided to throw this one in. It is definitely hilarious. If you ain't into the vulgarity of Kevin Smith, then this movie ain't for you. But if you can handle mention of and reactions to a donkey show, then this movie may make you laugh and believe in the hope of a seemingly bleak future in customer service.

7. Ocean's 13 - (2007) I'll be honest. I enjoyed OCEAN'S 12. And OCEAN'S 11 is a modern classic in my eyes (though not a summer movie). So, when I say that OCEAN'S 13 is just as good, if not better, than the original, then you can probably see how I mean. If not, whatever. But anyway, this movie works because it got back to where made the first movie cool (Vegas) and had perfected what made the series cool (not quite thug criminals being cocky, and stealing stuff). This movie is a laugh riot for me. I saw it by myself on Father's Day the year it came out, and I was seriously the only person in the theater laughing at times, and the theater looked sold out. I wasn't even embarassed like I can be in such a situation nowadays. This movie is genuinely good, and worth watching.

8. Transformers - (2007) This movie honestly came out of nowhere for me. For me to say I had no interest in seeing it two months before it was released may seem surprising to some of you, the way I love on it now. I mean Michael Bay directed it. MICHAEL BAY. I mean, don't get me wrong, his movies are good for that they are. But for a while I thought that it wasn't for me. Well, I saw more and more previews, and the reviews it was getting weren't that bad, so I took a risk, and absolutely loved it. After it came out on DVD, it became one of my go-to movies for when I was having a rough day, or got a bad grade or just took a test. It made me reallly happy. So, yeah, it kicks ass. And I am so pumped for the sequel.

9. The Incredible Hulk - (2008) I was going to have IRON MAN accompany this movie on the list, but I changed my mind as I was writing it. I just wrote about that one recently, so I want to try to bring something new to the table. (I also thought about THE DARK KNIGHT going on the list because it is fucking awesome and raised the bar impossibly high on superhero movies, but I decided to throw in a couple new flicks for last year.) So, this movie took the previous movie, and wiped the slate clean. Ed Norton is now the not-so-jolly green giant, in his human form, and he does a stand up job. The action sequences are great. The music is great. The movie is great. Also, when he is chatting over instant message with MR BLUE (who I totally thought would end up being Captain America, but was wrong), he does not read anything out loud. I like that they did it that way. I don't read my typing aloud as I do it, and neither do you. Props to the director for getting us to do a little work to make the movie more plausible.

10. Hellboy II: The Golden Army - (2008) So, the last one on the list is another comic book movie. And it is great. I mean, it has a scene where two of its heroes are sitting around talking about love and getting drunk. They drunkenly sing, and share their feelings, which at the time seem profound, but really means nothing. Sort of like an evening I had back in December with Ben and Brett. The movie is directed by Guillermo del Torro, who also did PAN'S LABYRINTH, and he totally brings in his visual flair to making the world of Hellboy a reality. Also, Ron Perlman was made to play Hellboy. He does a tremendous job. I have no complaints. Except that more people have not seen it yet!

So, there we are. I will probably try to throw down some thoughts on STAR TREK when I get home from the movie tonight. Also, next week resumes the usual BKteN. I'm also looking at doing some other lists of sorts, to be rolled out in the coming weeks, so get ready for that.

Here endeth the lesson.


The BKteN Number 5

Good weekend to you all! So, this is a bit later than I intended on getting this out, but here is the next installment of the BKteN. Also, just to let you know, next week will be a special post, all about summer blockbuster movies. So, without further wasting time, let's get into it!

1. Entourage - This show is totally awesome. It is a show where you are rooting for people with the most inconsequential existence. It is a show where you are cheering for guys to live lives where they just have sex, smoke weed, and from time to time try to make a movie. Its great. I just started watching it again, and I must say that if it did not take me having to act, I would love to be a movie star. It's a show where they let guys be guys, and that's why we love it.

2. Serenity - And you thought my raving over the works of Joss Whedon ended last week. Well, you thought wrong. This movie is the continuation of the short lived series FIREFLY. While the series is great, this movie is wholly exceptional. The story centers on River Tam, a mind reader who was experimented on by the Alliance (which is the central worlds in a system). She was sprung by her brother Simon, and several years later, the Alliance has begun to search for them again. The mystery is about what she found out that would cause the Alliance to come after them so hard. And though these 2 are central characters, they aren't the protagonist. That would be the captain of Serenity, a Firefly-class ship, Malcolm Reynolds. Mal's journey is one from indifference to heroism, and it is the pivot the movie centers on.

3. Spore - From the people who brought you SIM CITY and THE SIMS, comes a game where you create life and a universe. This game friggin rocks. It is a ton of fun to create your creatures and unleach them upon an unsuspecting world. Go play it, and see for yourself. Also, it is addicting as hell. So be prepared for that.

4. Adventureland - This is the recent theatrical outing from SUPERBAD director, Greg Mottola. The film is about a somewhat pretentious college graduate, who is forced to work in a theme park for the summmer. The film is equal parts funny and serious. Both funny and serious have their time to shine in the movie, and both sides are exceptional. It is very much like an 80s movie in this respect. The acting is great. The characters are endearing. Also, Ryan Reynolds plays a serious part. He's not just some goofy one-liner guy. So, that's cool.

5. Role Models - Just saw this movie last week and it was freaking hilarious. For one, it's good to see Seann William Scott play something that isn't Stiffler and do well. Also, Paul Rudd is the leading man, and he does a stand up job as a man who is so bored with his life that he just freaks out on everyone, which eventually leads to him and Seann William Scott being forced into a big brother program for community service. Probably the best part of the movie, however is the medieval role play which serves as a major sub plot. It's awesome.

6. CollegeHumor.com - This site has so much that is entertaining. Funny videos done by the brilliant staff. There have been some really clever ones of late, such as "We Didn't Start the Flame War" (a parody of "We Didn't Start the Fire" about Internet commenting) and "Real Life Twitter" (where one of the staffers walks around NYC yelling out things commonly posted on twitter). They also have the excellent Cute College Girl of the Day (as well as the March Madness equivalent Hottest College Girl). Also, there are articles posted daily, which just adds to the funny.

7. The Black Parade by My Chemical Romance - This excellent concept album by My Chemical Romance which has a very Queen sound, begins with the death of its protagonist and then goes forward from there. I think, at least. It has some sweet music, and I have been listening to it again lately. The CD is about death and hope, and some combination of the two. give it a listen.

8. Secret Invasion - This was the most recent big crossover from MARVEL COMICS. The story was about a race of aliens who can shape shift into humans trying to take over Earth to be the home of their dying race. It is very INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS. The story is fun, and it really makes it difficult to trust anyone. It also kick started the DARK REIGN storyline where the bad guys take control, in the guise of the good guys, though it may not be the way you would think as you go into the story.

9. Vanilla Coke - Do they make this anymore? I don't know. At least you can get it at Sonic.

10. Grand Theft Auto IV - This game has been consuming my time this week. I rented it for the weekend, and have been having tons of ufn going on rampages, and just acting a fool in Liberty City. It is totally fun and can bring about much chaos. Also, the story is not too bad either.

Tune in next week for the Summer Blockbuster Edition.

Here endeth the lesson.


The BKteN Number 4

Greetings to you all! Hope you're having lovely weeks. It is time for another instalment of my immensely popular web phenomenon known as the BKteN! So, let's get into it!

1. Observe and Report - So, I saw t
his last night, and it is probably the funniest movie I have seen this year. It is the second film from Jody Hill, director and co-writer of THE FOOT FIST WAY and co-creator of EASTBOUND AND DOWN. Unlike his other work, this movie actually leaves you feeling pretty good about everything as you leave the theater. Whereas the delusions of Danny R. McBride's characters in FOOT FIST and EASTBOUND are because he thinks the world owes him something and he is how shit, in this, Seth Rogen's mall cop just sees himself as having a higher purpose in the world, as a mall cop. It is totally hilarious too. This one is totally worth the 6.50 to 10 dollars you will probably have to pay for a viewing. Hell, I'd even see it again if anyone wants some company at the theater.

2. Guitar Hero II - This is the game that got me into the GUITAR HERO series. The songs are probably some of the best they have ever had, and the learning curve is actually pretty rational, for the most part. There are definitely songs that give me trouble, but it is not like going from giving someone stitches, to preforming brain surgery when you up the difficulty from medium to hard. Some of my favorite tracks include: CARRY ON WAYWARD SON (Kansas), DEAD! (My Chemical Romance), and TONIGHT I'M GONNA ROCK YOU TONIGHT (Spinal Tap).

3. Mello Yellow Melon - This drink defined my freshman year of high school. Okay, FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING and OCEAN'S 11 defined that year, but this drink was my Constant. It was probably one of the best limited time drinks I have ever had. But they only had it for one year, and then it was gone again. And I will forever have a melon shaped hole in my heard. Thank's alot fuckers. Unless of course, you are planning to release it again, in which case, you are definitely not fuckers.

4. Iron Man - I am talking about the movie, obviously. It started off the summer movie season perfectly last year, causing Robert Downey, Jr. to be bankable. The story was great. The effects were a beautiful mesh of real life and CG, that is hard to differentiate between, and the cast is top notch. In addition to Mr. Downey, Jr. there was Gwynneth Paltrow, Terrence Howard (re
placed by Don Cheadle in the sequel), and Jeff Bridges. Yeah. That's right. The Dude definitely made his presence known. If you have not seen this movie, and claim to like movies, you are lying to yourself. Go rent it, or buy it even, and do yourself a favor.

5. Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Working backwards from most recent show to his first, I have now covered all of the television programs created by Joss Whedon. It is hard to call it my favorite because all of his shows definitely bring something different and exciting to the table, and this one is no exception. It is full of brilliant moments. And I will totally admit to coming to tears multiple times, especially in the 7th season, because I was so excited that I couldn't react any other way. The characters show real growth through the series, and the end is 100% satisfying. Sure it is 7 seasons long, but it is totally worth the ride. Season 1 is sort of rough because it is so low budget, but I found myself genuinely surprised by the first 12 episodes. Season 4 takes a few episodes to find its footing, and is still a little awkward after it finds it. But overall, it is totally worth
your time. Plus, seasons 1 through 3 are all on Hulu for free, so why not give it a shot on your spare time. I've already seen the whole series twice, and wouldn't mind another run through if anyone wants company while watching. Watch it. That's an order.

6. Pizza Rolls - This is sort of a place filler, but it is also my favorite snack food. So, I guess it is more like a stomach filler. Sorry, that was tasteless. or overloaded with taste? Yes? No? Anyway, moving on.

7. Alex Maleev - This guy is absolutely one of Marvel's best artists. There is no questioning that. He was a painter before Marvel hired him, and his work in comics should be (and probably is) considered true art. He really knows how to make people look real. Women aren't the typical extreme hourglass shapes like most comic artists render them. Instead they are sexy because they look so real. Also, he is making the switch over to digital production of his art, but the kicker is that it still looks like he is doing it by hand. This guy is a master of his craft. Here's a sample from the upcoming Spider Woman series:
8. Ultimate Spider-Man - Appropriately, I move on to a series written by the man who teams up with Maleev for phenomenal results. They redefined DAREDEVIL with their run. Brian Michael Bendis did this new telling of the wall crawler's life. Marvel created the Ultimate universe for guys like me who came late to the comics game, and had neither the time or money to drop on 50 years of backstory. They took old story lines and reinterpreted them. This series has truly been a joy to read. The only hiccup for me came when they switched artists after over 100 issues drawn by the former. But I finally gave in, and kept going with the series, and I still dig it. This is Bendis at almost the top of his game (with the top being DAREDEVIL).

9. How I Met Your Mother - This is one of those TV series that will alienate its potentially massive audience by the sheer fact that it is a multi-camera sitcom, and people are just too arrogant to get past a format and see the brilliant story telling. The characters are consistently hilarious, and their relationships with one another is what drives the show. It was described in its first season as "A Love Story in Reverse" because we know that it ultimately takes us to when Ted meets the aforementioned mother. I would call this show the FAMILY GUY of sitcoms because of all the cut away scenes and flashbacks. These, however, differ in that they actually pose relevance to the story of the episodes (and series) and are not just massive non sequiters. The show is worth watching solely based on Neil Patrick Harris' explosively funny turn as uber-womanizer Barney Stinson.

10 Coheed & Cambria - I have been listening to alot of them lately. They are absolutely a band that has shown growth from when they started. The best part of their music (other than the music) is that it all tells one epic story about a universe on the brink of war and destruction. And when you know that it is a story, it makes it even sweeter to listen to. For some, Claudio's Geddy-Lee-type voice is too much to handle. But not for this guy. Their music rockes the shit out.

Here endeth the lesson.


The BKteN Number 3

So, I'm still going strong with this. Here's 10 more things that I definitely feel kick ass. Unfortunately KICK ASS by Mark Millar ("fucking Mark Millar") won't be on the list because I haven't read it. But anyway, here's this week's 10:

1. The Goon - This is a series that I picked up last week, and am already hooked. First of all, the creator, Eric Powell, is from Lebanon, TN. So, there is hope that a Tennessee kid like myself can make something awesome in comics and get it recognized, which is great. But the writing is top notch. The guy does all of the writing and art for the book. It is about this mob enforcer called The Goon, who is the face of the Labrazio crime family in his city. And oh yeah, there's also zombies and other types of monsters. The book is hilarious, and the stories vastly entertaining. It is totally worth checking out. I have the first 3 trades of it. Props to TK Vincent for turning me on to this series.

2. Angel - So, I have put a Joss Whedon show down for every week I have done this thing, and this week is no exception. Of course, with my use of ANGEL this week, that can mean only one thing for next week's featured Whedon show. Anyway, this show is about a vampire with a soul that is trying to save the world. His major opposition is a shady law firm called Wolfram & Hart, and they are evil, like all lawyers. Anyway, I just finished this series Monday evening, and I was satisfied. Granted I had seen the last scene of the series before I ever even started watching it, so I knew what was coming and was braced for it. Good stuff.

3. Mario Kart Wii - This game is a blast to play with your friends. Especially when you bring in the rule that you have to drink an entire beer during the course of the race, and can only drink if your car is stopped. We totally played this way this weekend, and it was great fun. I recommend it to all of you. If you are of age. And don't intend to drive for real after. And do not live on campus.

4. X-Force - The current iteration of this X-MEN spin off came about as a result of the MESSIAH COMPLEX story. This version of it is essentially a black ops team, whose first mission was to take the fight to the Purifiers. They are a religious sect (formerly led by Rev. William Stryker) who are trying to eradicate the mutant population on Earth. The stories are brutal, and I've only read the first arc, but the artwork there is crazy intense. Very gory. Very sexy. It is upsetting to know that the artist changes with each arc between the awesome Clayton Crain (who did the first 6 issues) and the overly-hyped, not so great Mike Choi. I have to give TK props for turning me onto this series, as well.

5. Fable - Check it out! Another video game! This is one of my favorites and I am super eager to play the sequel. Your character really changes throughout, both physically, and in the way that RPG characters grow. It's just fun.

6. Pibb Xtra - Formerly known as MR. PIBB, this drink is delicious. I mean, I enjoy DR. PEPPER and all, but sometimes it doesn't take another 4 years of schooling to get the desired effect. The drinks are almost identical, but there is some ineffable quality about PIBB that places it near to my heart. Maybe it's that it isn't sold in TN anymore (except in some drink fountains).

7. "Ten Million Slaves" by Otis Taylor - I heard this song because of the trailer for the eagerly anticipated (for me at least) film PUBLIC ENEMIES, and I had to buy it. It's some solid stuff. It's $.99 on iTunes, so why not buy it?

8. The Prestige - This movie is just incredible, and you are doing yourself a disservice if you have not seen it yet. Directed by Christopher Nolan, and starring Christian Bale, Hugh Jackman, Michael Caine, Scarlett Johansson, and David Bowie. If you aren't convinced you should see it by now, then you probably have no soul. Or are an idiot.

9. The Onion News Network - They are the hardest hitting news program out there. They talk about all the important stuff in the world. They were the first to cover whether or not the Beijing Olympics were a trap. They also covered the release of POINT BLANK, a game where you shoot thousands of people in the face at point blank range. Their most important coverage to date, though, has to be about the recall of hollow point bullets that were not hollow points at all, which let to minimal carnage upon kills. Keep up the good work guys!

10. X-Men Origins: Wolverine - Don't ask me how, cause I won't tell you. I don't even know how I got to see it, but I did. Oh, wait, this list is supposed to be aobut what's awesome, and not a steaming pile of shit. This movie was a steaming pile of shit. Don't waste your time and money next month. I wanted to like it so bad, but I couldn't. It was worse than GHOST RIDER.

The actual #10. X2: X-Men United - This movie was actually good. I totally enjoyed it. Why the hell couldn't they have done something of the same caliber? Here's the deal: WOLVERINE was so overloaded with characters, that they fucked up their own continuity within the series. X2, on the other hand, was enjoyable, though drags at the end, I'll admit. They gave balance and focus to the characters that needed it, and that's why I liked it.

Here endeth the lesson.


The BKteN Number 2

So, it's that time again. I'm throwing down some knowledge of what you should all be enjoying. Also, there are many more things, that I am just saving for the right time to put on here. So if you wonder why I neglected something you know I love, it will be forthcoming. Just wait.

1. Self - This is a really tight band who live in Brentwood. They aren't technically together and playing shows anymore, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't check out their music. It is some really fun stuff. I just randomly decided to listen to one of their CDs yesterday, and I'm loving it. The 2 that I have are SUBLIMINAL PLASTIC MOTIVES and BREAKFAST WITH GIRLS. Oh yeah, and also, they have an entire album that was recorded using only toys. It's totally hip, and most of your friends haven't heard of them, so you can look like you're ahead of the curve.

2. Messiah CompleX - This was a big crossover with the X-Men that happened a couple of years ago, and I just got around to reading recently. It is some solid stuff, and brought a new incarnation of X-FORCE into the fold. Here's the basic lowdown on the story: A couple years before this happened, Marvel laid a massive shakeup on the X-MEN, and mutants in general in the Marvel Universe in the HOUSE OF M story. Basically it ended with the X gene being removed from 99% of all mutants in the world, making the mutants an endangered species. No mutants have been discovered since then, so the population has dwindled. Now, as MESSIAH COMPLEX is starting, a new mutant was born, which is unusual in and of itself, not to mention that when she was born Cerebro exploded. So, now, many different factions are looking for the baby, which has been taken. It's an awesome story, and has set the stage for some really cool developments into the X-MEN world.

3. Battlestar Galactica - I refer here to the 2004 re-imagining of the classic sci-fi show. The show just ended a few weeks ago, and overall I was satisfied in how they wrapped everything up. It is a really intense and compelling character drama, that happens to be set in space. It has been praised by critics as one of the smartest shows on television. It's premise mirrors the original, in that there is a rag-tag fleet of humans looking for a mythical place called "Earth" after their homeworld was destroyed by the very technology they created. It differs in that everything seems very modern, and the search for Earth is really a macguffin to the more important telling of how the characters deal with these situations.

4. Secret Warriors: Nick Fury: Agent of Nothing - I would have to say, for sake of a comparison that would easily translate to those of you who don't read comics regularly, that Jack Bauer is the more real world version of Nick Fury. Nick Fury is the most purely good secret agent in the Marvel Universe. Anyone who has worked on Fury's side, and has been in his trust knows that Nick Fury is always right, and would do anything to safeguard the world. This comic series follows a new, secret team that Fury has assembled that is made up of adolescent superbeings. It is only 3 issues old, so it is not too late to get into it. The series begins with Fury learning that the agency he has worked for for most of his life (S.H.I.E.L.D.) is actually a branch of HYDRA, a terrorist organization Fury knows to be his enemy. The writing is solid here, and the last panel of the most recent issue is keeping me on the edge of my seat waiting for the next one.

5. Pie in the Sky Pizza - I've eaten here several times lately, and I must say, their pizza is reasonably priced, and they have 2 for ones on draft every day until midnight. Let me repeat that EVERY. DAY. UNTIL. MIDNIGHT. Plus the atmosphere is pretty awesome. You're welcome.

6. Firefly - This is a television show that aired on Fox for less than a season, and got cancelled. It is unfortunate that it was hot down so soon because as the show had its plug pulled, it was really getting into a compelling story. The whole concept brings together s sci-fi story in space with the wild west. It is some interesting stuff, and the characters are just awesome. This was my first exposure to Joss Whedon's work, and I have not looked back since.

7. Lucky Number S7evin - This is a totally bad ass movie. It's about gangsters and mistaken identity and so much more. The cast is: Josh Hartnett, Bruce Willis, Lucy Liu, Sir Ben Kingsly, and Morgan Freeman. It is totally legit. It is in my top 5 all-time favorite movies. It is worth the hour and forty minutes it takes to watch.

8. Halo Trilogy - I fucking love these games. And not just for the multiplayer like most people. I really do enjoy the overall story of the campaign mode. Something about it just gets me going. I mean, I can attribute HALO 3 with giving me the inspiration to turn my story into a trilogy, so, yeah. It rocks. Seriously though, I love playing campaign mode with friends, so let's do that sometime.

9. Tim and Eric Awesome Show Great Job! - This show, on Adult Swim, can be taxing, I will full heartedly admit. But irregardless, it is hilarious. The show is equal parts really weird and extremely funny. Some of the stuff they do is just awesome. You should go check it out on www.adultswim.com/video. Just go into comedy and then the title of the show. Make sure to watch Brule's Rules. It's John C. Reilly at his funniest.

10. Cherry Watermelon Coke at Sonic - Sonic has this awesome thing where you can add flavors to your drink, for free. That's right folks, free. And you can add more than one. It is pretty spectacular. And I will say that not everyone is manly enough for the onslaught of flavor inherent in this drink. But I am. And it is delicious.

So, there you are.

Here endeth the lesson.


The BKteN

So, in an effort to keep myself posting consistently, I've decided that I want to do a weekly list of 10 things that are currently rocking my world. This is in an effort to get all you awesome people following me a chance to become just as awesome as I am by following my advice blindly. And so that your following is not blind, I'll be giving a brief reasoning on why it's on the list. The only rule I am giving myself is that I can't have used it in a previous BKteN list. That means the first few weeks will have literally anything I have loved in my life up for use, and as time progresses, the amount of usable material will diminish. You get the idea? Good.

So, blindly follow me into awesomeness...

1. Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog: I'm not going to write much on this here. I did a post back in June about why this kicks ass, and also I am getting it on DVD soon, so a movie night will be coming up in April. and what the hell do you have to lose by watching it? It is seriously only 40 minutes.

2. The Immortal Iron Fist: The Last Iron Fist Story: I just read this yesterday afternoon, and let me just tell you, it was 100% worth the time. Its a 6 issue comic story that started the current Iron Fist series. It has the same writer/artist duo as DAREDEVIL (Ed Brubaker and David Aja) plus Matt Fraction. This is totally a series I want to get caught up on quick. This is not the first story about the character, but it is definitely accessable to just pick up and start. It's some good stuff.

3. Dollhouse: Honestly, you need to do yourself a favor and jump on this right now, so that when everyone is trying to get caught up on this show in like 2 years because they hear such good things about it, you can totally be like, "Shit, DOLLHOUSE? I've been watching that (relatively) since it started." If nothing else, go watch the most recent 2 episodes on hulu. They kick started the overall story in a big way, and you really don't need the previous 5 to get the concept. But thost other 5 are great, in my opinion. Plus it is Joss Whedon, and everyhting he does is gold.

4. Batman: The Dark Knight Returns: This would be the first comic book story I ever read. Well, the first one I read when I decided I wanted to be a fan. I picked this up after BATMAN BEGINS came out and rocked my world. Frank Miller was at the top of his game in this, and the pacing here is some of the best I've seen. It seriously makes me want to start writing a draft of the script to see if I can't get it made because I think I could pull it off. Seriously, it got me started liking comics, so it's sort of like a gateway drug...but to a relatively healthy (though potentially expensive) addiction.

5. Half-Life 2: This is seriously one of my favorite video games ever. I find myself constantly coming back to play it every few months. I love the setting and the art design. It just all kicks ass. Plus, Gordon Freeman is just some scientist, nerd guy who kicks ass and takes names.

6. The AV Club: This is a totally sweet blog that I have Chase Misenheimer to thank for turning me to. It is run by the same guys who do THE ONION, except it isn't for jokes, and it is all about the entertainment industry. Sure I will disagree with their takes on things from time to time, but I am always looking at the TV CLUB blog on there after all my shows end to see what they have to say. Check it out: avclub.com

7. Jim Gaffigan: He is one of my favorite comedians right now. You should check him out. He talks about food alot, and his signature thing is his Hot Pocket routine. If you do look him up, check out his routine about holiday traditions. Pure brilliance.

8. This Onion Article: I was seriously in tears by the end of the first couple sentenences. It is one of the most clever things I have read over there. Be prepared to be in pain from laughter, and having a little free time because of all the laughing.

9. Amp Energy Drink: This stuff is llike writing fuel for me. When I have an afternoon where all I want to do is write, I will turn on some tunes, down an Amp, and go to town. I don't know much about the energy side cause those drinks never really have that effect on me, but they do get me crazy creative.

10. The Dark Knight: I'm gonna go ahead and throw this one into my first list. It is my all time favorite movie right now. I seriously can't find anything about it I don't like. If you want more of my thoughts aobut it, go back to my posts from last June to see more.

So, there you have it. This will hopefully become a regular thing for me, so I can have something to post every week. Hope y'all are having a good time out there. And comment on whether you think my choices are brilliant, or more closely resemble those of a drunken squirrel.

Here endeth the lesson.


10 Most Anticipated Films of 2009

I feel like it is safe for me to do this post now, even though we are almost into the 3rd month of 2009. That's basically because there has been nothing I have eagerly anticipated that has come out so far this year. Also, it is a safe time to do this because the first film on this list is coming out next week. The list is going in order of scheduled release (as of now), as opposed to how much I anticipate them by rank. I don't have the time or patience for that right now. Also, the movie has to have an announced release date to make the list. So, without further ado, here are my Most Anticipated Films of 2009:

1. WATCHMEN (3/6/09)
Directed by Zach Snyder, Starring Malin Ackerman, Billy Cudrup, Matthew Goode, Jackie Earle Haley
First of all, this is one of my favorite books I've ever read. I am rereading it now to get ready for the movie, and I am really picking up on so much more subtext, and just really grasping the world more. I don't know if the movie will be for everyone because the story is so dark, and it is somewhat hard to tell from the previews. It is considerably darker than THE DARK KNIGHT, earning its R rating from what I've heard, but I love the story, and am so pumped to see it on the big screen. Though, after writing that, I feel like I am just shouting the exact same thing everyone else who wants to see this movie is shouting.

2. ADVENTURELAND (3/27/09)
Directed by Greg Mottola, Starring Jesse Eisenberg, Bill Hader, Kristen Wiig, Kristen Stewart
The first comedy I really want to see this year. It's about a kid who has to get a job for the summer, and winds up working at an amusement park. His bosses are Kristen Wiig and Bill Hader. I love Bill Hader and think he is one of the funniest people around, so any movie where he is strongly featured in the previews immediately draws me to it. Kristen Wiig is also hysterical, and I feel like the two of them play off each other magically. Also, Kristen Stewart is quite attractive, so added bonus.

3. STAR TREK (5/8/09)
Directed by J.J. Abrams, Starring Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Karl Urban, John Cho
Anything J.J. Abrams does is awesome these days, so that is definitely what drew me to this movie. I've never really been a fan of STAR TREK, which is mainly because I have never really committed the time to it. However, everything I have seen and heard about this movie makes me want to see it. I mean, the cast looks phenomenal, and the sci-fi action looks superb, so I am totally going to be there for this.

Directed by McG, Starring Christian Bale, Sam Worthington, Bryce Dallas Howard, Anton Yelchin
I like the first two TERMINATOR movies a lot, and the third one was alright, but this looks like something even better. It really only took Christian Bale's involvement for me to get interested in this, and I know I am not alone there. I don't even care about his recently leaked outburst on set, it just means he was that committed to the movie that he flipped out so much. I also love me some sweet sci-fi action, and this looks like it will definitely deliver.

Directed by Michael Bay, Starring Shia LaBeouf, Megan Fox, Josh Duhamel, John Turturro
I expect nothing of substance in any way here. Like with the first movie, I really am in it to see giant transforming robots blow shit up. And word on the street has it that it will be even more abundant with this movie, so I am ready for some adrenaline charged action. Plus more kick ass robots.

6. PUBLIC ENEMIES (7/1/09)
Directed by Michael Mann, Starring Johnny Depp, Christian Bale, Marion Cotillard, Channing Tatum
The only thing I need to know about this (and actually the only thing I do know) is that its a 30s gangster movie directed by Michael Mann and starring Johnny Depp and Christian Bale, so it will kick ass.

Directed by David Yates, Starring Daniel Radcliff, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson, Michael Gambon
This is my second favorite HARRY POTTER book for starters. I am, however, a bit worried about Michael Gambon's increased presence as Dumbledore because I have not warmed up to his portrayal of the part. He is alright, but I just haven't believed him in the part so far, so we will see. Also I am eager to see all the Voldemort flashbacks, and the horcrux storyline.

Directed by Quentin Tarantino, Starring Brad Pitt, Diane Kruger, B.J. Novack
Quentin Tarantino was my first favorite director, and this movie looks incredible. From what I have heard it will do for World War II movies what PULP FICTION did for crime drama. I don't know a lot, but the trailer looks sweet.

9. FANTASTIC MR. FOX (11/6/09)
Directed by Wes Anderson, Starring (voices of) George Clooney, Cate Blanchette, Bill Murray, Jason Schwartzmann
This is the first animated feature done by Wes Anderson, who is one of my favorite directors. I am very interested to see if his very unique visual feel for live action will translate well into animation. The book is by Roald Dahl, who also did CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY, so I am very eager to see this. I do wonder if Anderson will include his typical choice in music for this or do a straight score.

10. SHERLOCK HOLMES (12/25/09)
Directed by Guy Ritchie, Starring Robert Downey, Jr., Jude Law, Rachel McAdams, Mark Strong
Guy Ritchie is doing Sherlock Holmes with Robert Downey, Jr. as the title sleuth. I am very interested to see if Ritchie's visual flair in his modern crime movies will translate into this period movie. Also, the cast looks to be pretty amazing, in my opinion. Or at least the 3 I am familiar with excite me. So, we will see how it turns out on Christmas.

So, there you are. Some honorable mentions for me are I LOVE YOU, MAN, the Paul Rudd comedy where he is trying to find a best guy friend to be his best man in the wedding because all of his friends are his wife's lady friends; and AVATAR, the new James Cameron sci-fi epic that will be done in 3D, and is having its details kept very secret. So, we'll see how I feel as these come out through the year, starting next week with WATCHMEN.

Here endeth the lesson.