
I Return...Again

So, I am going to try to keep up with this thing more frequently. I want to keep people updated on my life and all, so this is where that will happen. I hope that you all will bear with me for that as well. Even if nobody is reading, I will still use this as my place to rant and rave and whatever else.

So, here we go.

Over the last couple of months, I have made some really awesome friends, that I am so grateful for. I met them while I was working orientation at school, and I really connected with them, and it has just been an incredible experience. It is really disappointing to me that I can't hang out with them all for the whole summer, but because not everyone is from the Nashville area, that is not possible.

Along with that, my mom finished chemo a couple weeks ago, and that has just been great to have that trying time over and done with. She still has some radiation to go through, but she is pretty much done with this whole cancer mess as far as we can tell.

As far as entertainment goes, I have a new favorite movie: The Dark Knight. This movie is so good, and I really think that it would do you all very well to go and see it if you have not yet. I won't give anything away, right now, but tomorrow I am going to go in depth on why I love it so much.

Also, I am reading a couple books right now. One is The Stand by Stephen King, and the other is Turn of the Screw by Henry James. Both are somewhat in the horror genre, and I will post my full thoughts on them when I finish reading them.

So, yeah, that is all for now. I will be posting more later, but this was mainly just to get the ball rolling. I will check back in soon.

You can't stop the signal...

Oh yeah, and I almost forgot. There is this really awesome program you can see online, I think, and if not you can get ahold of me and I will help you find a way of seeing it. It is called Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog. It is awesome. Neil Patrick Harris is the protagonist who is actually an antagonist. Its like 40 minutes in all. It has 3 acts, and is very entertaining. I'll talk about it more later, but just wanted ot let you know. Check it out at www.drhorrible.com

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Protagonist and Antogonist? Along those same lines, I'm glad too see you've tapped Henry James.
(this is Aaron-- your blog program wouldn't accept I was a just a regular friend)